Globally Grounded 2019 Round Up

Borrow family mentoring 2Oh 2019. Where did you go? Are you like me and struggling to wrap your head around the fact that we are in December already? It’s been quite a year. Although the headlines and realities have often been challenging and confronting in 2019, Globally Grounded has been blessed to have its best year yet…with the notable exception of our blog post regularity (sorry about that). Celebrating family milestones, consulting to schools,  presenting seminars, analysing research, serving on the SPAN Board and mentoring families have pushed blogging to the back seat on more than one occasion. As we hurtle towards the end of the year, let’s play catch up. Here is Globally Grounded’s 2019 Round Up. Read the full story…


When Moving Season Arrives

MOVING SEASONMoving Season. It’s when globally mobile families and individuals across the world experience a shift in their community. Some are being left behind, others are moving to a new location, several are returning ‘home’, a few are preparing for the boarding school experience and all involve goodbyes. Here are some blog posts you or someone you know may find helpful at this time. Read the full story…


A Kaleidoscope of Cultures: Cross-Cultural Childhood Losses and Identity Development

kaleidoscope of culturesMaria Lombart stood before an audience of over 200 people in The Hague, Netherlands. It was two years ago at the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Conference but her dynamic presentation has continued to resonate with me ever since. It’s a personal story of loss and identity development with similarities to many cross-cultural students I have encountered and you may well know. Ultimately, it is a story of peace and belonging which I believe deserves sharing. Read the full story…


Raising Global and Mobile Children – Challenges and Solutions for International Families

Kristin-Duncombe-Therapist-Coach-GenevaWhen visiting The Hague, I had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Kristin Duncombe, one of my global mobility heroes. You’ll see why when you read on. A globally mobile child, partner, parent and practitioner, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her work as a psychotherapist supporting international and expatriate families. In this article, I share some of Kristin’s practical and straightforward strategies for raising global and mobile children. Read the full story…


Third Culture Families: Redefining the Traditional Concept of Home, Family and Friendship

marielle de spaPlease allow me to introduce you to Marielle de Spa – a mover and shaker in the global mobility field and a kindred spirit who values the collective family experience. She carries an important message for families in global transition that I would like to share with you. Read the full story to be inspired and empowered.


Quotable Quotes for a Fulfilled Global Life    globe and newspaper

I share words spoken and written at this year’s FIGT Conference with you, in the hope that they may help you to live a fulfilled global life, whether that be abroad or in your ‘home’ culture. Read the full story…


 Inside the Mind of a Girl on a TrainParis girls

The train departed Dordrecht Station promptly at 8:37am. Taking her seat beside the rain-spattered window, a silent yawn escaped. She had barely slept a wink the night before, in anticipation of the week ahead. By the time the sun set on today, they would be reunited, in Paris. How did it come to this? Read the full story…


birds nestBuilding Our Nest

…This morning I was awoken by the busy sounds of a bird outside my bedroom window. Singing away, she was flitting back and forth, busily building her nest – a twig here, a piece of cotton there. As I watched her work, whilst sipping my morning cup of tea, I was reminded of a theme that ran through many of the presentations at this year’s Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Conference. Home. The word can send shivers down the spine of a globally mobile individual who often lives between worlds. Read the full story…


In Celebration of Globally Mobile Women
Womens hands together

Today is International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is ‘Be Bold for Change’ and, in my opinion, defines Globally Mobile Women across the world. Boldness and Change – two words that are synonymous with living abroad…As the world celebrates Women everywhere, I’d like to celebrate the Women who are prepared to move anywhere. Read the full story…



 Unplug and Connect

The holiday season is just around the corner. Traditionally it’s a time when we get together with those we love…or those we have to love. Many will take time off work. Some will holiday at home. Others will holiday far away. Several will remain in their host country. Wherever in the world you are this holiday season, I encourage you to Unplug and Connect – really connect. Read the full story…


An Open Letter to Expatriate Dads…but Mums can read this too DAD

To all you Expatriate Dads across the Globe,

This Sunday is Fathers’ Day here in Australia. I know for many of you around the world, that day has been and gone for 2016 but any day is a good day to stop and reflect on the important role you Dads play in your family and the impact that has on our society. In this letter, I want to thank you and I want to encourage you. Read the full story…


Olympic games The Olympic Games: Which Country or Countries Will You Be Cheering For?

The opening ceremony of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is here. Whilst many of us in the world are pulling out our favourite national sporting paraphernalia ready to cheer on our country’s athletes, those in the globally mobile world are being confronted by a cultural identity crisis.How can world sporting events be used as an opportunity to support our globally mobile kids’ cultural identity development and sense of belonging? Read the full story…


An Overseas Assignment: Are You Doing The Right Thing By Your Kids? passport300

Have you ever wondered whether you’re doing the right thing by your children, traipsing them across the globe as part of an international assignment and exposing them to the globally mobile life? You are not alone! Read the full story…


How Has Living Abroad Changed You? 

upside down world-mapLast week I was asked this question: How has living abroad changed you? As with many questions asked of globally mobile people (Where are you from? Are you settled yet? Where is home? etc), I had to pause before answering. Did this person want the short answer or the long answer? The truth is, I could write a blog post the length of a dissertation in answer to this question, but don’t worry, I have plucked 6 ways, that living abroad has changed my family and me, from that very long list. Read the full story…


7 Steps Towards Being a Successful Stayer


In any globally mobile community there are three types of people – The Leaver, The Arriver and The Stayer. I have been all of these people…In most cases, Expatriate communities and even the occasional school, provide some level of support for these two types of people. But what about The Stayer? Read the full story…


The Moving With Kids Summit: A Worthwhile Investment of Your Time

MWK Summit - Main slider (2)As a Mum of two teenage boys, I know that parenting can be tricky at the best of times, but throw in to the mix an international move or two and things can go from tricky to complex in a heart beat. Fortunately, there is help at hand to reassure you that the challenges associated with transition don’t need to be traumatic but instead can be levers for growth. Read the full story…


When Your Child Goes to Boarding School: Beneath The Surface       familydynamics

I have had the privilege of sitting under the tutelage of Dr Anne Copeland, a researcher and licensed psychologist with expertise in cultural transition and clinical psychology. She really got me thinking about the family dynamics associated with moving, whether it be from the country to the city, one side of the country to another or from one country to another. Read the full story…


European Enlightenment: Lesson 1 – Empathy 

Empathy ImageThis blog post has taken shape in the Paediatric Ward of our local hospital. To my right, through the salt splashed window panes, the powerful Pacific Ocean waves crash heavily upon the sand (I do find it intriguing that hospitals and cemeteries so often have the best views!). To my left, amidst the rhythmical beeps and colourful wires of medical instruments, lies my sleeping teenage son, who, through an unfortunate schoolyard accident (boys will be boys!) is the reason I am here. Read the full story…


European Enlightenment: Lesson 2 – The Importance of Goodbye leaving well - winnie the pooh quote

Do you feel this year is flying by? It is almost the end of April. Depending on which hemisphere you reside, schools are returning from their Spring Break or gearing up for Autumn Break. Students are either preparing for the final run into the end of the academic year followed by a long Summer vacation or for mid-year assessments followed by a shorter Winter holiday. If they are students in an International School or a school with high mobility, they are also preparing for something else at this time of year. Goodbye.  Read the full story…



How Do You Maintain Relationships With Your Loved-Ones Whilst Living Abroad? 

In handwritten capital letters, the TV screen spelled out, “ALL YOUR MUM WANTS FOR MOTHERS’ DAY,” long pause filled with emotive music, “IS YOU!” As one who has lived far away from my Mum and Mother-in-Law for a number of years, this advertisement struck a chord – what about those people who can’t be with their Mums on Mothers’ Day? Read the full story…


camping-family-Vacation-Stacked-CarThe Family Vacation

Lockers emptied. Check. End of Year School Camp survived. Check. Presentation Day endured. Check. Report cards received. Check. All this can mean just one thing – Summer Holidays have arrived!  Every family has their own traditions and ideas of what constitutes a Family Vacation. Read the full story…


Repatriating or Relocating? Your Steps to Leaving Well so you can Enter Well

What-lies-before-us- Emerson quoteIt’s that time of year again – the Moving Season. It is the time of year when globally mobile families around the world pack up their homes, their memories and their emotions and move to a new destination. For some it will mean returning to their “home” country whilst for others, their life will continue in a new “host” country. Read the full story…


The Question on Every Globally Mobile Mum’s Mind  Home-Is-Where-The-Heart-Is

I have talked to thousands of Globally Mobile Parents but I also do a lot of listening. The topic of conversation and concern that is repeated over and over again is the issue of “home,” or more specifically, the question: where do, and will, my Globally Mobile Children call home? It was the Mums who raised this topic most. Read the full story…


cultural-confusionWhat the Rugby World Cup Does to Third Culture Kids

For Third Culture Kids (TCK) the Rugby World Cup is just one more reminder that they belong everywhere but nowhere. Help your child explore their cultural identities. Read the full story…


Are You Settled Yet?  Home sweet home

It is now a little over six months since our family repatriated from South East Asia back to Australia. The question I am asked most often is: “Are you settled yet?” The short answer is “No!” The longer answer requires some explanation. Read the full story…


 growing-up-abroadThe Legacy of a Globally Mobile Childhood

Having recently repatriated, our family embarked on a road trip to explore Australia’s Capital City. At every turn I was reminded of the legacy of a globally mobile childhood. Read the full story…
