Smoke haze sunriseI Forgot How Much I Love This Place

How a summer that threatened every fibre of our being, helped me reconnect with my land, my people, my way of live, my cultural identity.  Read the full story…

Returning ‘Home’: Insight from an Expert

brubaker-cate-1024x678It’s that time of year when many globally mobile families are either preparing to return ‘home’, contemplating returning ‘home’ or farewelling others who are returning ‘home’. Re-Entry Expert, Dr Cate Brubaker, shares her wisdom and insight with us on how to make returning ‘home’ a positive, growth oriented experience that leads to a meaningful and satisfying global life, no matter where in the world we are located. Read the full story…


Repatriating or Relocating? Your Steps to Leaving Well so you can Enter Well

What-lies-before-us- Emerson quote

It’s that time of year again – the Moving Season. It is the time of year when globally mobile families around the world pack up their homes, their memories and their emotions and move to a new destination. For some it will mean returning to their “home” country whilst for others, their life will continue in a new “host” country. Read the full story…


Olympic games The Olympic Games: Which Country or Countries Will You Be Cheering For?

The opening ceremony of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is here. Whilst many of us in the world are pulling out our favourite national sporting paraphernalia ready to cheer on our country’s athletes, those in the globally mobile world are being confronted by a cultural identity crisis.How can world sporting events be used as an opportunity to support our globally mobile kids’ cultural identity development and sense of belonging? Read the full story…


When Your Child Goes to Boarding School: Beneath The Surface       familydynamics

I have had the privilege of sitting under the tutelage of Dr Anne Copeland, a researcher and licensed psychologist with expertise in cultural transition and clinical psychology. She really got me thinking about the family dynamics associated with moving, whether it be from the country to the city, one side of the country to another or from one country to another. Read the full story…


upside down world-mapHow Has Living Abroad Changed You? 

Last week I was asked this question: How has living abroad changed you? As with many questions asked of globally mobile people (Where are you from? Are you settled yet? Where is home? etc), I had to pause before answering. Did this person want the short answer or the long answer? The truth is, I could write a blog post the length of a dissertation in answer to this question, but don’t worry, I have plucked 6 ways, that living abroad has changed my family and me, from that very long list. Read the full story…


Are You Settled Yet?  Home sweet home

It is now a little over six months since our family repatriated from South East Asia back to Australia. The question I am asked most often is: “Are you settled yet?” The short answer is “No!” The longer answer requires some explanation. Read the full story…


growing-up-abroadThe Legacy of a Globally Mobile Childhood

Having recently repatriated, our family embarked on a road trip to explore Australia’s Capital City. At every turn I was reminded of the legacy of a globally mobile childhood. Read the full story…



Repatriation Reflections: Re-Entry in 5 Words rocket-launch

I have taken up a challenge thrown down by Blogging Abroad to reflect on my re-entry, in the hope that it will help others along their own re-entry journey or bring understanding to their loved ones watching from the sidelines. It’s not all good and it’s not all bad. It is a journey and one I’m pleased to have worked through. In 5 words, I describe my experience of returning home after living abroad. Read the full story…
